Archive for the 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome' Category
Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome are usually prescribed stretching exercises by medical and chiropractic doctors, as well as physical therapists. In this syndrome, the median nerve is often constricted by a swollen nerve sheath, or malalignment of the wrist bones that form the hole that the nerve glides through. If there is inflammation or scar [..]
Many patients attempt to use gadgets to treat their carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.
But is this a good choice or another fad? Sometimes our health advice
comes from friends, family, and customers at the local health food
store. I am sure you were given a persuasive story before buying. Late
night TV infomercials are used [..]
One important cause of wrist pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome
is a sprain of the delicate ligaments holding the 12 wrist bones
together. These 12 small bones connect the hand to the arm and have many
tiny ligaments, which limit the range of motion. During a sprain, the
range of motion of the bones [..]
If you see a server at your favorite restaurant or a cashier at your local grocery store with a brace on their wrist and ask them what's wrong, chances are their reply will include these three words: carpal tunnel syndrome.For many patients with carpal tunnel symptoms like wrist pain, wearing a brace can be a [..]
Over the decades, we have come to expect that a pain or tingling in the hand and wrist means there is a local injury in the area. However, people can also develop wrist and hand symptoms that mimic carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) following a whiplash injury or sprain/strain of the neck. These patients may not [..]
Manual techniques refers to massage, deep tissue mobilization, and
manipulation of the joints. These procedures are performed by
chiropractors as a mainstay of their treatment. Several studies have
shown that these techniques are helpful at reducing carpal tunnel
symptoms. Sometimes scar tissue and tightness of the muscles of the
forearms develop. Specific stretching exercises are [..]
Carpal tunnel syndrome
occurs when the median nerve, which starts at the neck and runs from
the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist.
In some cases, there may also be compression at other anatomical
locations along the course of the nerve, like the neck.The median
nerve controls sensations to the [..]
Losing weight is important to your health for a variety of reasons.
Your heart health is especially affected by excess weight. Diabetes,
stroke, and back pain are also more common in persons with excess
weight. However, most of us do not have enough lean body mass and need
to do something about changing our nutrition [..]
Most patients with carpal tunnel syndrome
will put up with their symptoms for days and weeks until they're
troubling enough to bring to a doctor's attention. Their doctor should
rule out certain causes for the hand pain (such as diabetes) and focus
the examination on the wrist and other anatomic sites where nerve
compression may [..]
Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) have hand and wrist symptoms that range from tingling and numbness to pain and weakness. Some occupations see more of this disease than others. For example, workers who use vibratory hand tools and those who engage in repetitive flexion motions of the wrist seem to be at greatest risk. [..]